dependent install

  1. zlib install from source code:

source code:

command line:

# Build and install zlib
./configure --prefix=${ZDIR}
make check
make install   # or sudo make install, if root permissions required
  1. hdf5 install from source code

source code:

HDF5® Source Code - The HDF Group

command line:

# Build and install HDF5
# Add Parallel Support
CC=mpicc ./configure --enable-parallel --prefix=${H5DIR} --with-zlib=${ZDIR} --enable-hl
make check
make install   # or sudo make install, if root permissions required
  1. HDF4 install from source code

source code:

# Build and install HDF4
./configure --enable-shared --disable-netcdf --disable-fortran --prefix=${H4DIR}
make check
make install
  1. PnetCDF install from source code

source code:

# Build and install PnetCDF
./configure --prefix=${PNDIR} --with-mpi=/path/to/MPI/compilers --enable-shared
make check
make install
  1. Build NetCDF with all above supports